How To Wear A Leather Skirt

I am sure we all have at least one leather or a faux leather skirt. If you don’t own one, you should consider getting one, because you can’t imagine the many ways you can wear this versatile and timeless piece. From casual to sporty, chic, formal, etcetera. If you have your leather skirt hanging in your closet because you simply don’t know how to wear it, I am here to help! Take a look at the following outfit ideas to wear this garment according to the occasion.
It could either be a mini or midi leather skirt, you just have to find one that fits and makes you feel comfortable because girls, a leather skirt can be worn for everybody. It doesn’t matter if you are a size 0 or 40, again, just try to find the one that fits you and makes you feel like a star.

Incorporate girly details to your look to create that feminine combo with and edge.

Find an affordable faux leather skirt here, here, here, here

I am obsessed with this combo because I am putting together two of my favorite textures: denim and leather. It looks modern and stylish at the same time.



You can create a cool combo by mixing and matching colors and textures. A denim blouse under a textured vest that intensifies the look even more. The leather skirt just added an edgy touch.

Find an affordable faux leather skirt here, here, here, here
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Hope you guys like these looks and thank you so much for stopping by!

Hola lindas! El dia de hoy quiero hablar sobre un prenda mega versatil y divertida, la falda de piel, ya sea sintética o no, es sin duda un básico. Seguramente tendrás mas de una colgada en tu closet, por lo que es tiempo de darles vida y sacarles provecho. Si no cuentas con una, considéralo porque hay múltiples maneras de llevar esta prenda. Ya sea con un estilo femenino, deportivo, casual, etcetera; segun sea la ocasión.
Puede ser una mini falda, midi skirt o 3/4. La idea es encontrar aquella que te guste, te acomode y se acople a tu tipo de cuerpo. Aquella que te haga sentir comoda y segura de ti misma. Cabe mencionar que la falda de piel es para cualquier tipo de cuerpo, no importa si eres talla 0 o 40. La idea como lo mencioné, es buscar una que te guste y te haga sentir segura de ti misma para así lucirla al máximo.
A continuación comparto algunas opciones de como poder llevar la falda de piel. Checalos…
Espero te gusten y como siempre mil gracias por visitar The Fashion Statement.