Today is all about feminine clothing! I am sharing a lovely dress that I wore a couple of days ago when I was feeling the flower power thanks to the beautiful location we chose to shoot this look. Since spring is here, it’s worth it to take a moment to admire the pretty flowers that sprung with the season. So I took some time to walk around Balboa Park, specifically in this flower garden. Balboa Park is huge and it wouldn’t be easy to just tour around wearing heels. However, keep in mind that if you visit San Diego or are around the area a stop at this location is totally worth it. There are museums and plenty of activities to do in the area to capture nice pictures. That’s why I included Balboa Park in my 10 Instagram worthy spots to shoot in San Diego, post.
Well, let’s jump right into the details of this dress. First of all, if you are looking for cute spring dresses or cocktail dresses, this could be a good option. This lace dress screams femininity because of its color and the A-line style makes it figure flattering by totally defining your waistline, giving you a more balanced silhouette. I always try to incorporate feminine details to my outfits but with this dress, I assure you will show your girly style to the fullest. If you are looking for ideas about how to look feminine, check these simple tips.
Hope you like this feminine outfit! And if you would like to check this dress it also comes in different colors: black, white, blush, red… So add to your wardrobe a cute lace dress in your favorite color, it’s timeless and easy to wear all year long. Remember that the whole purpose of a dress should be making a woman feel pretty!
lace dress: Bardot | shoes: Miss Madel I also love this, this
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Hoy hablemos de ropa femenina. Hoy les comparto un lindo vestido, mi elección para un día en donde el poder de las flores iluminaron el ambiente. La locación para estas fotos fue la mejor, ya queen este lugar, la Primavera se respira en todo su esplendor. Este lindo jardín de flores se encuentra en Balboa Park, un parque muy grande que vale la pena explorar. Aquí encontrarás museos y un sin fin de actividades para toda la familia y desde luego espacios únicos para fotografiar. Por lo anterior he incluido este parque en mis lugares favoritos para tomar fotos en San Diego.
Bueno, ahora adentrémonos en los detalles. Si andas en busca de vestidos primaverales, vestidos de cocktail, este es sin dunda una buena opción. Es un vestido de encaje con detalles que te haran sentir muy femenina. Su corte en “A” lo hacen favorecedor a la figura, lograndose una cintura mas definida y por lo tanto una silueta balanceada. En lo personal siempre trato de incorporar detalles femeninos en mi vestimenta y sin duda con este vestido no se necesita nada mas. Lo bueno es que lo puedes encontrar en diferentes colores de acuerdo a tu preferencia: negro, blanco, rojo, etcetera.
Muchas gracias por visitar mi blog, te deseo una linda semana y si deseas conocer simples tips de como lucir femenina no olvide checar este post.