Favorite Summer Treat // Homemade Lime Pie

Hey Loves! How’s your summer going? Mine is just hot, that’s all I can say. San Diego has been reaching temperatures of 80°F – 90°F. So yeah, I’m basically melting. But I mean I guess the only reason we can thank the heat for, is inspiring me on this post. So enough ranting about the weather and let me share with you one of my favorite treats ever. Especially now, I’m super into cool desserts. It’s good to change up from your basic ice cream diet and try something that’s just as tasty and refreshing. This is my favorite lime pie recipe, trust me if you’re into fruity desserts like this, YOU GOTTA TRY IT!

Disclaimer, I know this isn’t the healthiest thing you can eat, but hey, let’s feed that sweet tooth of ours once in a while.  Not to mention, this is so quick and simple to make that you can take it to a summer party or brunch with your friends, believe me, you’ll be the star of the show with this summer treat. Well, here we go!

List of ingredients:

For the crust:

  • 2 cups of graham cracker crumbs 
  • 1/4 cup of brown sugar
  • 1/2 cup of melted butter

For the filling:

  • 14 oz can of sweetened condensed milk
  • 1/3 cup of heavy whipping cream
  • 1 cup of cream cheese
  • zest of 3 limes
  • 1/2 cup of lime juice
  • 1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract

Hope you enjoyed this recipe! Feel free to comment your thoughts and any requests for some recipes you’d like me to make in the future. I’d be more than happy to! Enjoy this delicious indulgence, just try and not eat it all, haha! 




…your best moment to shine is now!


¡Hola mis amores! ¿Como va el veranito? El mio super caluroso, San Diego ha alcanzado temperaturas de casi 40° en los ultimos dias. Asi que, basicamente me estoy derritiendo. Este calorón me ha inspirado para este post, pero bueno, directo al grano: dejenme compartirles uno de mis postres favoritos. Ahora es cuando se antojan los postres frios. Es bueno dejar a un lado el basico heladito y tratar algo mas elaborado y rico pero sobre todo muy refrescante. Si te gustan los postres de frutas, ¡TIENES QUE PROBARLO!


Para la base:

  • 2 tazas de galletas graham molidas
  • 1/4 taza de azúcar morena
  • 1/2 taza de mantequilla derretida

Para el relleno:

  • 14 oz de leche condensada.
  • 1/3 taza de crema batida.
  • 1 taza de queso crema.
  • ralladura de 3 limones
  • 1/2 taza de jugo de limon
  • 1 1/2 cucharaditas de extracto de vainilla

Espero disfruten esta receta. Dejen sus comentarios y me encantaria escuchar cualquier peticion sobre alguna receta en particular, si no la se, la investigo encantada de la vida.  Disfruten el pie y ¡no se lo coman todo! jajaja.