5 Ways To Еnјоу Thе Ѕun аnd Оutdооrs Ѕаfеlу
The temperatures rose drastically in California, reaching 100 degrees on the hottest days. A
1. Sunscreen. It doesn’t matter if you are just going shopping for groceries or laying down at the beach or pool for hours. The skin should be protected without any exceptions. This habit will not only help you avoid wrinkles and premature aging but it’ll also protect against
2. If you are going hiking or simply going out for a walk, avoid doing it when the sun rays are strong. That normally occurs between 11-3ish pm. The best time for working out outdoors is definitely very early in the morning or after
3. Hydrate yourself constantly. This is really important, not only will it prevent dehydration, but you will avoid feeling exhausted due to the high temperatures. The drinking water habit (1-2 litters ) will also keep your skin younger, hydrated, and fresh. If you like your water to stay cold all the time, consider a water bottle that keeps drinks ice cold.
4. Pay special attention if you are taking medications or even topical creams ( such as retinoids or acne medication) that can cause sensitivity due to the sun. They can irritate your skin badly if exposed to the sun. If you are taking medication, be extra cautious with your sunscreen and wear a good visor. It is also important to consider that if you got a facial or a specific treatment, you should ask your dermatologist if it’s safe for your skin to be outdoors within the next days after the treatment. Sometimes the products that are professionally used can cause irritation if you get exposed to the sun.
5. During this time it’s essential that you consider eating foods that help to prevent sun damage. Omega 3’s are great. You can find it in eggs, flax seeds, or sardines, to name a few. Collagen is also a great ally to prevent skin-aging. I love collagen powder because it’s easy to dissolve in any liquid and it has been proven than powder has great absorption rates.
Now you don’t have to worry just enjoy the sun and outdoors safely that way you will enjoy it to the fullest!
Thanks for reading!