Hope you’re having an amazing week! As many of you probably know, I was born and raised in Mexico City. I love Mexico, by the way, have you been there? ( let me know in the comments section what places have you visited). Well, I moved to the states almost 7 years ago and I consider myself so lucky to have the opportunity to call San Diego my home. If you know this place, you can agree with me that it’s a true paradise. Its beaches, landscapes, the city in general, it’s all amazing. That is why San Diego is one of the favorite spots for photographers, videographers, and all of us who love creating content.
As a content creator, I find inspiration wherever I go and I’m always looking for nice spots to shoot. So I have found some cool places around the city and of course, there are so many more I have yet to discover but for now, I want to share my top 15 Instagram worthy spots in San Diego, I mean not only for Instagram but for all of your social media or your personal album and memories. So here I go with cool spots to shoot in San Diego: (they’re not arranged in order of preference)
1. Spruce Street Suspension Bridge. This has been one of my favorite locations to shoot because the perspective you can catch from this bridge is great. I never get tired of walking across a calm environment. People love running across, sit to eat food, enjoy ice cream, but for photography enthusiasts, this is a cool spot.
Location: W Spruce St, San Diego, CA 92103
2. Salk Institute: This research facility for Biological studies is one of the most amazing architectures in La Jolla. Here, you can get amazing photos

3. Scripps Pier: This amazing location is in La Jolla Shores, one of the beautiful beaches here and a favorite not only for surfers but for families t. If you want to catch a California sunset stop by this area and capture the moment. The Pier is not open to the public, but you are allowed to enjoy the beach and hang out while taking great pictures of this beautiful structure with geometric lines.
4. Torrey Pines Glideport: this beautiful spot is in La Jolla and the view is an experience itself. It’s truly incredible to see all of the gliders in action, and having the Pacific Ocean as scenery makes it even better. It’s the perfect place for the whole family, and if you’re brave enough, maybe try flying your own glider.
5. Balboa Park: It’s a great area to explore and a must place for tourists! It’s a humungous park where you can find museums, relaxing areas and of course a great architecture, everywhere. If you visit San Diego consider this place and if you have the chance, take the tour to make the most of your visit. It’s a great experience!
6. North Park: when driving around this neighborhood, I found a couple of great walls and murals that caught my attention. It was almost impossible to avoid parking my car to get a shot of such a cool and colorful background. So I suggest that when walking around North Park, bring a camera and have it ready because you can also find cute stores and coffee shops that are Instagram worthy.
7. Secret Swing: the secret La Jolla swing is a hidden gem. The view from this spot is totally breathtaking. To get there you need to explore while enjoying a nice and easy hike. There are some other secret swings in La Jolla, but this is definitely an Instagram worthy spot in San Diego.
Location: 2555 Ruette Nice, La Jolla, CA92037

8. The Flower Fields At Carlsbad Ranch (Spring only): This flower garden is so pretty a wonderful location to get colorful shots surrounded with thousands of flowers of different colors. It’s a must place to visit between March 1 through May 10. The rest of the year
9. Flower Hill Promenade: This shopping mall center has amazing walls and areas to catch a unique and beautiful picture. I love this place because they are always updating the wall themes according to the season. I have shot tons of pictures here and I never get tired of this place. Besides, you can enjoy a delicious meal, do some shopping, or just hang around.

10. San Diego California Temple: The Church of Jesus Christ is located in La Jolla. It’s the 45th operating temple of the church of Latter-Day Saints. It has stunning architecture. However, it’s not open to the public but it has unique areas to shoot from the outside, all exterior areas are beautiful.
Location: 7474 Charmant Dr, San Diego, CA 92122
11. Seaport Village: this shopping center is so charming. It’s a waterfront dining and shopping center located in Downtown San Diego. So if you are in the area consider stopping by this vibrant harbor side hub. You can walk around, have lunch or dinner and of course take beautifulpictures.

12. Mission Bay: This area is so beautiful. Here you can see people enjoying multiple activities like kayaking, riding bikes on the cycling paths, families having a picnic or barbecue, kids playing at the playground, people exercising
13. La Jolla Shores: I am so in love with this beach. It’s so stunning, the view, the activities, and the sunsets are absolutely unique. So when you want to give those beach vibes to your picture, this is the place to go.

14. Windensea Beach: This place as all of the beaches in San Diego, is a magical paradise. This is one of the favorite spots for all who love surfing because the waves tend to be bigger than La Jolla shores for example. I always love sitting on the rocks with a good book and music. What else do you need?
15. Cedar Creek Falls: If you are looking for where to go hiking and get stunning shots in San Diego, Cedar Creek Falls, is absolutely a must place to go. It’s a breathtaking hike in San Diego. You can share my post where I shared all of the details regarding this place.
Location: 15519 Thornbush Rd Ramona, CA 92065 United States
I hope this list of a few of the many places in beautiful San Diego helps you out. It’s obvious I could keep listing many beautiful spots, but that would just take way too long, however, here are some other amazing options: Gaslamp Headquarter, Little Italy, and if you’re around the area stop by Coronado island. If you’ve never been to this paradise that San Diego is, I highly recommend you take a family vacation and maybe refer to this post as a travel guide for the perfect photo album!
Te deso una maravillosa semana. Como probablemente algunos de ustedes sabran nací y creci en la Ciudad de México. Amo mi pais! Me mude a Estados Unidos hace casi 6 anios y me considero afortunada de poder llamar San Diego mi hogar. Seguramente, quienes ya visitaron este lugar estaran de cauerdo conmigo que es un verdadero paraiso. Sus playas, sus paisajes y la ciudad en general es maravillosa. No por nada San Diego es uno de los lugares favoritos para fotógrafos y cineastas y todos los que nos dedicamos a la creación de contenido visual.
Como creadora de contenido, encuentro inspiración a donde quiera que voy y siempre ando en busqueda de lindos lugares para mis fotografias. He admirado maravillosos lugares y ¡los que me faltan por fotografiar! Sin embargo en esta ocasion quiero compartirles mis top 10 tanto en San Diego como La Jolla, ya que son definitivamente espectaculares para esas fotos de Instagram o de cualquier red social o simplemente como recuerdo de tu album de memorias. Asi que toma nota: ( aclaro que el orden en que los enlisto no tiene nada que ver que uno sea mas lindo que otr0, todos tienen su encanto.
- Spruce Street Suspension Bridge: Este ha sido una de mis locaciones favoritas para captar buenas fotos con una perspectiva única. Nunca te cansas de cruzar este puente rodeado de su relajante ambiente. La gente disfruta caminar por el area, comer un helado, pero para los amantes de la fotografia es ideal.
- Salk Institute: Este es un centro de investigacion biologico y cuenta con una increibe arquitectura, es toda una obra de arte. Puedes lograr lindas imagenes desde cualquier angulo. El costo por entrar son $7.5o dolares y si eres estudiante con mostrar tu ID no hay costo. El campus esta cerrado a visitantes en fines de semana. Créeme que esta es una joya arquitectonica que vale la pena visitar
- Scripps Pier: Esta locacion se encuentra en La Jolla Shores, una de las playas mas bonitas. Familias enteras y surfistas visitan este lugar diariamente y no dejan a un lado esas buena foto en esta maravillosa estructura. El muelle no es abierto al publico pero puedes libremente disfrutar de la playa y tomar las fotos que quieras.
- North Park: Al manejar por rste vecindario me percate de sus originales murales, mismos que captaron mi atencion de inmediato. Fue casi imposible el evitar estacionarme para tomar unas fotos con estos coloridos y originales fondos. Asi que te sugiero que caunso andes por la zona, tengas lista tu camara porque tambien encontraras lindo cafes que son totalmente perfectos para una bonita foto.
- Torrey Pines Glideport: Este maravilloso lugar esta localizado en La Jolla y la vista es todo una experiencia. Es increible ver a los paracaidistas en acción y teneiendo al Oceano Pacifico como escenario lo hace aun mejor. Es un lugar perfecto para disfrutar con toda la familia y si eres lo suficientemente valiente puedes aprendar a volar el tuyo.
Balboa Park: Es una excelente zona para explorar y sin duda una de las favoritas de todos los turistas. Es un lugar muy grande en donde puedes encontrar de todo,: museos, buena comida, ares de relajacion y por supuesto increible arquitectura. Si visitas San Diego considera este lugar y si tienes la oprtunidad de tomar un tour, hazlo! eEs una buena experiencia de aprovechar al maximo de tu visita.
- La Jolla Shores: En verdad estoy enamorada de esta playa. Es divina: la vista, las actividades y los atardeceres que son unicos. Cuando quieras esa vibra bohemia o de playa, considera visitar esta zona.
- Windensea Beach: Esta playa como todas las de San Diego es un magico lugar. Esta playa es favorita de surfistas ya que las olas tienden ser mucho mas fuertes que en La Jolla Shores, por ejemplo. Me encanta sentarme en las rocas con un buen libro y buena musica . Que mas se puede comer?
- Flower Hill Promenade: Este centro comercial cuenta con increibles paredes y areas para originales fotos. Me gusta mucho este lugar porque constantemente estan cambiando la decoración de acuerdo a la temporada. He tomado muchisimas fotos en este lugar ademas de disfrutar rica comida, compras o simplemente caminar por este lugar.
- Mission Bay: Perfecto lugar para disfrutar multiples actividaes como kayaking, andar en bicicleta, un picnic familiar, un barbecue, juegos para ninios, hacer ejercicio o simplemente disfrutar del parque y su maravillosa vista.
Espero que esta lista de opciones te sea util. Sin duda podria enlistar muchos mas pero el post seria muy largo. Por ellob te comparto algunos de mis favoritos. Te dejo unas cuantas opciones extras: Gaslamp Headquarter, The Flower Field (abierto de March 1-May 12th) Little Italy y si estas por aca no dejes de visitar la isla de Coronado.
Si aun no haz tenido la oportunidad de visitar San Diego, te recomiendo ampliamente considerar un viaje familiar y tomar en cuenta estos lugares para esas fotos y lindas memorias.
Muchas gracias por leer!